Why become a member?
Membership entitles you to an annual Bluebook.
This book covers all events for each year sponsored by BBOA and UKC major events. as well as info past and present about the breed and organization.
Personal ads from Members,BBOA Bluetick History, ads from you advertising your dogs and location.
Each member has the right to and or Nominate Blueticks for the Hall of fame.
Voting privileges to vote on UKC rule changes in the Nite Hunts,Bench Shows, Water Races, Field Trials become or Nominate a National Officers, Zone officers, and become qualified for the Bluetick invitational.
Members who place and win in BBOA events are entitled to be pictured in the Bluebook.
Membership give you the chance to win special trophiess and awards at BBOA and UKC major events.
This Organization is the chartered Organization of UKC it represents you and your dogs to UKC.
Membership dues run from Jan. 1 through Dec. 31 of each year these can be purchased on this website on the home page or you can contact any officer.